Well, I've hurt my neck somehow, and pretty much all I can do is apply heat to it and watch TV. Since it's January, this means weight loss ads. These ads put a lot of emphasis on the idea that you cannot love yourself if you are fat: You're fat! You have no self-control, because you ate yourself fat! You must hate yourself! Skinnies get the same message: Gross! I can see your ribs! Eat a sandwich! You must hate yourself!
Both of these assumptions are garbage. There are healthy and unhealthy fatties, just as there are healthy and unhealthy skinnies. Not that it matters; your health is your own business, and if intervention is needed for a real, actual physical or mental illness (not just "being fat" or "being skinny," I'm talking intentionally untreated thyroid disease, eating disorders, et cetera), the business of your family and close friends. Your health is not the business of random jerks on the street who feel that they have not only the right to judge your health based on your shape, but the right to let you know about their opinions. This is always rude, and never okay.
This leads me to the overarching point of this blog, and size acceptance itself. Body shape has no moral value and therefore should not have any effect on self-worth, or your worth as a member of society. I say "should not," because for a lot of people, it does. I with I could replace that with "does not," but for now, it'll have to do. So if you are reading this and basing your self-worth on the shape of your body, I am calling shenanigans. Shenanigans, I say! Your body is awesome. Learn to love it. I've learnt to love every fat roll and acne scar, and I want you to do that as well.
So, please enjoy this video from Ragen Chastain of Dances With Fat.
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